John’s Killer CNC Punisher Logo
There’s no question about it, one of John’s first projects on the Maker CNC kit is a hit, and took just 45 minutes to cut! As a retired Air Force veteran, John started woodworking 2 years ago. Now that he’s creating custom works like this one for sale, the MakerMade CNC kit seems to fit the bill for his production needs.
Here’s John’s own words about the project:
- “I used common ¾” plywood with a .25in end mill bit. I painted the item white then burned around the edges.”
- “It took about 45 min. to cut. I had the pattern already and just needed to scale it up.”
- Regarding the his CNC frame layout- “I built the ‘bolt together frame’ and put it on wheels. As you can see in the enclosed photos space in my shop is limited so I am able to easily move it when needed. I was able to position the cut in the corner of my material keeping wasted material at a minimum.”
John was even kind enough to include the finished gCode file, which you can download HERE in our totally free drive of ready-t0-go projects. Look for “DECOR Punisher.gcode“
To follow what John is up to, or to order your custom work from him, you can visit his Facebook page HERE. If you liked this post, be sure to show your support with a follow or like of John’s page.
Thanks for your service to the country and support for this community, John!